Once a lion acquires the taste for human flesh he becomes as bold and daring in his pursuit as any two-legged Nimrod.
1951 Awake!, April 22, page 15
Once a lion acquires the taste for human flesh he becomes as bold and daring in his pursuit as any two-legged Nimrod.
1951 Awake!, April 22, page 15
watch this video, posted on jw.org.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jjvxobvi5a.
here is my article in response.... http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/is-watchtower-60-million-away-from-liquidation.
looking forward to hearing your thoughts!.
Listener >> The video is more like a play where the actors are pretending to present a news report.
You must be right - no caption text on who is who. The whole interview is like being staged between two 'brothers'.
I guess the press was not so interested in the story line, so they made up their own press tagline.
And the faithful start believing their own press.
time magazine quote of the day.. http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,1964660,00.html.
None of the elders of her former congregation showed up to celebrate the anniversary with her.
time magazine quote of the day.. http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,1964660,00.html.
The original Spanish language version you will find here.
time magazine quote of the day.. http://www.time.com/time/quotes/0,26174,1964660,00.html.
From the article: Faith complicates a young mother's life-or-death decision on lung transplant
"Perez no longer talks to Jehovah's Witnesses, nor they to her. It is hard, she said. They are like her family. But the religion "disfellowships," or excommunicates, members who disobey its teachings. Contacted by a reporter and asked about Perez, a member of her congregation said, "She is not a Jehovah's Witness," and hung up."
Gawd . . . they show no mercy.
zechariah 11:12,13 is viewed as a prophecy pertaining to judas, and fufilled at matt 26:14-16 and matt 27:9. judas, as we know, sold out jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
i noticed something when reading the verses in zechariah, though.
judas sold out and betrayed jesus, however zechariah is a prophecy being spoken by jehovah and pertaining to himself.. vs 12: "then i said to them:" who is the "i"?
Dictionary of the Bible comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History,
Volume II (Kab-Red) - (1863), edited by William Smith, page 871
Quoting Smith’s work,the M'Clintock & Strong Cyclopaedia of Biblical and theological literature,
Vol. 8 (1879), says it close to identical on page 189.
at my last meeting i picked up the new feb 1, 2013 wt.
my first reaction was " is this a joke?
" i said so out loud to the literature servant.
i've just started munching through the figures for 2012 in the new 2013 yearbook, now available on jw.org.. i thought you might be interested to see which countries saw "negative growth" over 2012.. these are as follows.... .
*sudan is so dramatically reduced because south sudan is now independent and the society has adjusted the publisher figures accordingly.. .
countries added.
One tribe of Israel filled: 12,604 Memorial Partakers
Over the past seven years, from 1974 to 1980 inclusive, Jehovah’s Witnesses have made steady progress. Their growth is healthy. Only as to Memorial partakers has there been a gradual decline, which is in accord with Scriptural expectations. Thus there is no doubt that Jehovah has been guiding his people unfailingly through Christ Jesus their leader. Observe the following graphic picture of the worldwide progress of Jehovah’s work on earth in these last days.
1981 Yearbook, pages 31,32
. . . for then they shall know the scripures don't tell the truth.
apart from, "it's a cult, ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun".
Thanks for the food at the proper time. J-I-T not to commence.
been many years since i've been inside a hideous kh.
i posted my story on here a few years ago, and thought i would drop back in and say hi.
i'm just curious, are people leaving in droves???
Carl Sagan on Jehovah's Witnesses in: Broca's Brain (1983), pages 332,333